Get Premium Quality Thermocouples for your forging Industry.

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Forging is the process of shaping metals by the use of hammering, pressing or rolling. Hot forging involves heating of a workpiece to about 75% of its melting temperature. Steel, Aluminum, copper and titanium are the primary metals used in the forging process. Furnaces are used to preheat the metal. This hot forging process is carried out at an extremely high temperature up to 1250°C for steel, 360°C to 520°C for Al-alloys, 700°C to 800°C for Cu-alloys. These temperature needs to be maintained to avoid strain hardening during the metal gets deformed. The types of Furnaces are Box Furnace, Car Furnace, Continuous conveyor Furnace, Induction Heating and Infrared Heating.

Accurate temperature measurement and control of pre-heating furnaces are essential for optimum quality and to reduce wastage. It depends on the proper selection of Thermocouples is to fulfil these goals.

Thermocouples for Forging Industry

At Eureka, we have developed a range of solutions such as Thermocouples, RTD, Thermocouple Extension & Compensating cables which are highly efficient in ensuring the accurate temperature measurement of the forging industry.

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